Monday, February 20, 2017

Tamara studied at the renowned Greasepaint school of make up and spent a day with the students, showing some fashion looks and discussed how to become a successful make-up artist.


We had a chat with Tamara


It is very important to get the right training. The Iver Make-up Academy are in the top 3 in the country. All the staff and tutors moved from Greasepaint Make-up School when it closed. I was a dancer before I trained at Greasepaint and the reason I switched to this field of work is, I have always had a love of make up and fancied a career change.


Every day is very different, and no two days are the same.  I find the power of make up, the transformations, very interesting.  How you can completely change someone's character.


Tough challenges I have faced are when you have to make really bad skin look good for the camera or perhaps a critical client who may not like what you have done.  All good experience though.


I have worked with Company Live, Burberry, Izmaylova, Google, YouTube, Country Club UK, Elle Malaysia, Marie Claire Taiwan, Hello Arabia.


Tips and advice  I would give are – work hard, have good communication skills, always be willing to learn something new and experiment!